
From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Full name:
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Make: Sterling Robotics
Model: Nandroid
Job: Waitress
Owned by: Harry H. Simmons
Employed by: Robotops Diner
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2020/12/07[1]
Created by: Hun_Anon

Beverly is a reoccurring supporting fandroid character who appears in the Dinerbots fan story. She works as a waitress at the Robotops diner in Beacon City.

Beverly has a shrewd, snarky personality, making jokes at the expense of others and mumbling under her breath whenever her fellow Nandroids do something she deems foolish,[2] though she does have a softer side which she attempts to hide.[3]

Despite her level-headed appearance, she is also unsure if Santa Claus is real and asks her fellow Nandroids several times.[3]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Fan stories featuring Beverly
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
Hun_Anon Dinerbots Beverly, Bonny, Tory, Weatherly A group of Nandroids help run Beacon City's most unique restaurant. ENG 2020/11/24 AO3 link  Wayback link  Pastebin link  Wayback link
Hun_Anon Dinerbots Christmas Special Beverly, Bonny, Tory, Weatherly The dinerbots try to scrounge up some Christmas gifts for their owner. ENG 2022/12/24 AO3 link
Comedy, Christmas special

References[edit | edit source]