
From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Full name: Dandy the Dullahan
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Make: Sterling Robotics
Model: Nandroid
Owned by:
Employed by:
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2020/11/07[1]
Created by: IndonesianGentleman

Dandy the Dullahan is a fanon Nandroid with the body of a centaur, part of the Nandroid Fight Club. She is built for speed and capable of overtaking a trolley. Her primary way of combat, which includes quick charges and trampling over her opponents, means the whoever is facing her must be light on their feet. Her large and sharp claws give her better range and a greater edge on the battlefield. Despite her terrifying looks and demeanor, Dandy is actually a fun loving Nandroid. This fun comes in the form of pulling scare pranks on her fellow Nandroids and their masters, including her own.[1]

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