Ivory (Indonesian Gentleman)

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Revision as of 11:44, 24 November 2024 by JumboG (talk | contribs)
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Full name: Ivory the Bright Maiden
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Make: Sterling Robotics
Model: Nandroid
Owned by:
Employed by:
Status: Upgraded
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2020/06/07[1]
Created by: Indonesian Gentleman

Ivory the Bright Maiden is a fanon Nandroid who has been modded to participate in an underground Nandroid Fight Club. She is equipped with a sword and shield, and is covered in LEDs that she can use to overwhelm her opponent's sensors. She was kicked out of competitions several times because of her gimmick blinding the public, but somehow still finds her way to the roster. She's cocky and snarky.[1]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

For more pictures and fan art, see the gallery of images on Nanbooru.

References[edit | edit source]