
From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Full name: Motya
Serial number: 733-M50/SURU-443
Species: Robot
Make: Sterling Robotics
Model: Nandroid
Job: Hockey player
Owned by: Nicolai
Employed by: Soviet athlete program
Age: 5 Years
Status: In service
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 08/11/2024
Created by: epicboi443

Motya is a fanon nandroid and the main character of the story The Russian Girl. Motya is a nandroid who was brought to the Soviet Union for an unknown reason. She is now a hockey player of the Soviet athlete program.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Motya's training place is called The Yurikov Rink Training Station, which is 4 hours away from Moscow, opened in 1965.
  • Motya skates up to 25 km/h(15.1 mi/h).
  • Motya is the slowest of all of her teammates.
  • The Russian Girl takes place between 1985-1989.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Fan stories featuring Motya
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
epicboi443 The Russian Girl Motya Motya is a part of the Soviet athlete program ENG 2024/12/29 AO3 link