Emmy: Difference between revisions

360 bytes added ,  1 year ago
Added Trivia
(Added appearances, also some minor fixes)
(Added Trivia)
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==Behind the scenes==
Emmy is the protagonist and namesake of Dominic Cellini's webcomic ''[[Emmy the Robot]]''. Cellini first shared a picture of Emmy in May 2019 on his Instagram account.<ref name="first_appearance" /> Over the next year he posted various unconnected drawings and comic strips featuring Emmy on his social media, until eventually he officially launched ''Emmy the Robot'' as a webcomic on Patreon in March 2020<ref>[https://www.patreon.com/posts/greetings-35080479 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Patreon, chapter 1]</ref> and on Webtoon in April 2020.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/greetings-/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=12 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 1]</ref> Many of the previous comic strips were adapted into chapters of the webcomic.
* In a Patreon exclusive strip, Emmy was revealed to secretly enjoy eating decorative soaps<ref>[https://www.patreon.com/posts/decorative-soaps-40994639 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Patreon, bonus chapter ''Decorative Soaps'']</ref>. This spawned a joke in the fandom which posits that Emmy, and even Nandroids in general, are addicted to consuming soap.