Jane is a fanonNandroid who was custom ordered by the Vanderburn family, consisting of the aging Gary and Doris Venderburn to help bake pastries and run their goodie shop. She doesn't get along well with her family's older robot, MAUD, though the two reconcile their differences after Jane damages MAUD with water. Her hands have lining for icing bags and she has an easy bake oven in her stomach. Read More...
2025/02/14 - A page has been created for Kimmy!
2025/02/07 - A page has been created for Koko the Clown!
2025/02/05 - A page has been created for Kimberly! Page 200!
2025/02/03 - A page has been created for Scarlet!
2025/01/24 - A page has been created for Marcy!
2025/01/23 - A page has been created for May!
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