Main Page

From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki

Welcome to The
The wiki for information pertaining to the webcomic Emmy The Robot created by Dominic Cellini, as well as it's many fan creations.
We currently have 138 pages made through 4,285 edits!

Canon material

Fanon material

Getting started

Featured Nandroid

Cammy is a fanon Nandroid who was thrown away by her owners a long time ago. She was eventually picked up by the military who deployed her as a medical robot until her base of operations was destroyed. She now travels around a country she doesn't know and tries to help people. Read More...


2024/07/26 - A page has been created and completed for Dulhan!
2024/07/16 - A page has been created and completed for Della Creme!
2024/07/14 - A page has been created and completed for David!
2024/07/05 - A page has been created and completed for Diana!
2024/07/03 - A page has been created and completed for Darly!
2024/06/21 - A page has been created and completed for Lizzy!