Full name: Anon Ymous
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Type: Nandroid?
Owned by:
Employed by:
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2021/10/06[1]
Created by: frogger

Bjorn is a fanon robot, presumed to be a male Nandroid, who works in a research complex studying "The Shell", an anomalous cave structure two kilometers under the ice at the south pole.[1] The robots stationed there, including Astrid, doctor's assistant Petra, and Percy, perform domestic duties or assist the research staff.[2]

Bjorn is a level headed botler who performs basic domestic duties like preparing meals and serving tea. He finds it difficult to work with Astrid and some of the human staff due to their atypical natures.[3]

Appearances Edit

Fan stories featuring Bjorn
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
frogger Inner Shell Astrid, Bjorn, Percy, Petra Astrid is stationed at a subglacial research facility alongside several other robots. ENG      

References Edit