Madeline Delaire
Full name: Anon Ymous
Serial number:
Species: Human
Owned by:
Employed by:
Age: 8 years
Canonicity: Canon
Created on:
Created by: Dominic Cellini

Madeline Delaire (pronounced Mad-uh-lynn) is the daughter of Ted and Angela, and the child who Emmy is tasked with helping care for.

Character summary Edit

Personality Edit

Madeline is a bright[1] and rambunctious[2] child who dislikes mornings[3] and likes being creative.[4] She can some French and plays the piano.[5]

Relationships Edit

Madeline is friends with all of the Hawthorn Grove children and rides the trolley to school with them every day.[6] She also invited them all over to her 8th birthday party. [7]

Madeline loves both of her parents very much, and rushes to meet Ted when he comes home from work.[1][4]

Madeline also has a very close bond with Emmy, who she treats like family and enjoys playing and spending time with.[8]

Biography Edit

Living with Emmy Edit

While working for Sterling Robotics, Ted purchased Emmy as a Christmas gift for his family.[9] Emmy helped care for and raise Madeline for four years.[3]

The birthday incident Edit

During Madeline's 8th birthday party, Emmy malfunctions and involuntarily sprayed her birthday cake with fire retardant after seeing its sparkler candles, destroying it. Her father Ted attempted to stop Emmy, but she sprayed him as well.[10] While initially heartbroken at having her cake destroyed and not being able to make her wish, Madeline still forgives Emmy for the incident[11] and eagerly awaits Emmy's return[12] and even makes her a get-well-soon card.[4]

Emmy's disappearance Edit

Nearly two weeks after Emmy first went into Sterling, Madeline overhears her parents talking about Emmy's disappearance and conveys it to the other Nandroids.[13] Later, she is informed of the cover story that Sterling made for Ted, that Emmy was accidentally sent to Switzerland.[14] As she is complaining about this turn of events to her friends, she and Corbin get into a fight after Corbin suggests Emmy is defective[15] causing her to get into trouble from her parents,[16] showing the effect that not having Emmy is having on her.

Behind the scenes Edit

Madeline's name is taken from the series originally created by Ludwig Bemelmans, as Dominic Cellini loved the cartoon as a child.[17] The pronunciation of her name is different from her namesake due to confusion from Cellini on how it was supposed to be pronounced.[18] Her and her families design likely came out fully formed because they are based in common White Anglo-Saxon Protestants archetypes.[19]

Trivia Edit

  • Madeline is allergic to shellfish and has moderate asthma.[20]
  • Her birthday is September 18th,[20] but was originally April 18th, the same day as Dominic's father's birthday. It was retconned due to a story change.[21]
  • Her first appearance is in chapter 13.[20]

Gallery Edit

Official webcomic Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

References Edit

  1. 1.0 1.1 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 22 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  2. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 44 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 16 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/26.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 88 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  5. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 22 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2023/07/10.
  6. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 18 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  7. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 47 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  8. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 57 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/10/04.
  9. Emmy the Robot chapter 15 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/26.
  10. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 51 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  11. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 58 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  12. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot bonus chapter Waiting Game on Patreon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  13. Domini Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 114 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2024/02/11.
  14. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 131 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2024/02/11.
  15. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 132 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2024/02/11.
  16. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 134 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2024/02/11.
  17. Dominic Cellini on Webtoon (in comments), 2020/06/20. Retrieved 2023/07/29.
  18. Artforalways - Interview with Dominic Cellini About His Work and Emmy the Robot, from 03:21 to 03:29, 2023/12/17. Retrieved 2023/12/28.
  19. Dominic Cellini on Patreon (in post), 2023/06/15. Retrieved 2023/08/03.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 13 on Webtoon. Retrieved on 2022/09/26.
  21. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2021/04/29. Retrieved 2023/01/16.
  22. Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2018/10/21. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  23. Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2019/05/27. Retrieved 2022/09/30.