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The '''background Nandroids''' are a number of Nandroids who occasionally appear in earlier comic chapters while [[Emmy]] is testing or training during her timelearning in [[Nandroid School]].
==Who they are==
===In the main comic===
During [[Emmy]]'s time in Nandroid School, she and several other Nandroids learned how to safely interact and care for humans. Some appear only for one or two panels, while Emmy directly interacts with others during testing or training. Since they're all shipped off around the country after graduation, none of the background Nandroids are seen again after Emmy enters her long sleep.
===Use in fan works===
AlmostBecause almost no Nandroids except the comic's protagonistcore five who are in [[EmmyList of notable locations#Hawthorn Grove| Hawthorn Grove]], (and her[[List fourof friendsminor whocharacters#betty|Betty]] went toand [[HawthorneList Groveof minor characters#penny|Penny]]) have canonical names. However, fans of the comic took it upon themselves to bestow the background Nandroids with placeholder names,. whichThese are frequently used to refer to a specific background Nandroid during discussions., Someand some fans avehave gone as far as to develop entire personalitiescharacters foraround them for use as central characters in fanfiction, for example [[Wendy]] and [[Vicky]]. The full list of background Nandroids is available below.
===List of fan-named background nandroidsNandroids===
{{List of bg Nandroids header}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|NAMEaubrey|[[Aubrey]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicAubreyofficial.jpg|60px]]|DESCRIPTION|YYYYMMDD|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}Emmy's classmate from the shirt-folding class.<ref name="shirt
>[ Dominic Cellini - ''Emmy the Robot'' chapter 5 on Webtoon. Retreived 2022/12/19.]</ref> Not to be confused with the [[List of fan Nandroids#aubrey|Aubrey]] of the same name.|2019/10/02<ref name="dob">[ Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2019/10/02. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> |FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Aubrey|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPic.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate from the shirt-folding class. Not to be confused with the [[{Aubrey|Fandroid}]] of the same name.|2019/10/12|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|bailey|[[Bailey]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicBaileyofficial.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate from the shirt-folding class.<ref name="shirt"></ref> Was briefly named Lily,<ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post #114561931, 2020/04/26. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> before the name Ivy took over.<ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post #122233720, 2021/04/10. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref><ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post #121366922, 2021/03/06. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> Later rolled the name Bailey in a 4chan /co/ thread,<ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post #115513941, 2020/07/07. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> but is still called Ivy sometimes.|2019/10/02<ref name="dob"></ref>|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|bethany|[[Bethany]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicBethanyofficial.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate from the class where they learned about acceptable lies to children.<ref name="shirt"></ref> Named here.<ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post #115507765, 2020/07/07. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> In Plat's drawings, she replaces Emmy at the Delaires household.|2020/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|betsy|[[Betsy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicBetsyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Nandroid who appears in a Sterling TV commercial.<ref name="comm">[ Dominic Cellini - ''Emmy the Robot'' chapter 3 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref>|2020/03/21|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|betty|[[List of minor characters#Betty|Betty]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicBettyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy's classmate who performed self-defense roleplay with her.<ref>[ SheDominic isCellini - ''Emmy the onlyRobot'' backgroundchapter nandroid9 withon aWebtoon. canonRetrieved nameon 2022/12/19.]</ref> Not related to the Fandroid[[List of fan Nandroids#betty|fandroid of the same name]].|2019/11/20<ref>[ Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2019/11/20. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref>|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|cecily|[[Cecily]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicCecilyofficial.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate seen walking towards a classroom with her.<ref name="shirt></ref> Might be the same background Nandroid as Lacy[[#penny|Penny]].|2020/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Dollyfelicity|[[Felicity]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicFelicityofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Early prototype of Emmy's designclassmate whichwho thesat fansbehind turned into a separate character. She does not appear anywhereher in the comic.shirt-folding Rolled her name hereclass. Not to be confused with the Fandroid of the same<ref name.="shirt"></ref>|20192020/0803/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Felicityginny|[[Ginny]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicGinnyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy's classmate who sat behind her infrom the shirt-folding class.<ref name="shirt"></ref> Not to be confused with [[Ginny Hackle]].|2020/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Ginnyivy|[[Ivy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicIvyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy'sNandroid classmatewho fromappears thein shirt-foldinga classSterling TV commercial.<ref name="comm"></ref> Named here.<ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post # 115500516, 2020/06/06. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> Not to be confused with the [[GinnyList Hackleof fan Nandroids#ivy|fandroids of the same name]] or with the other background Nandroid [[#bailey|Bailey]], who is often also called Ivy.|2020/03/3121|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Ivykelly|[[Kelly]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicKellyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|NandroidEmmy's classmate who appearswatched inher adeal Sterlingwith TV commercial.a Namedcrying herebaby.<ref Not to be confused with name="baby">[ FandroidsDominic ofCellini the- same name or with''Emmy the otherRobot'' backgroundchapter Nandroid7 Bailey,on who is oftenWebtoon. alsoRetrieved called Ivy2022/12/19.]</ref>|2020/0305/2103|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|penny|[[List of minor characters#Penny|Penny]]|[[File:Lacyofficial.png|60px]]|Emmy's classmate who was really looking forward to hugging a real human.<ref>[ Dominic Cellini - ''Emmy the Robot'' chapter 11 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> Originally given the fan name Lacy. Might be the same character as [[#cecily|Cecily]].|2020/05/30|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Kelly|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPic.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate who watched her deal with a crying baby.|2020/05/03|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Lacymercy|[[Mercy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicMercyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy's classmateNandroid who wasappears reallyin lookinga forwardSterling toTV hugging a real humancommercial.<ref Might be the same character as"comm"></ref>|2020/0503/3021|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Mercymindy|[[List of minor characters#Advertisement Nandroid|Mindy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicMindyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Nandroid who appears in aall of Sterling's TVUPA-style commercialinfomercial presentations and posters. Likely unrelated to the [[List of fan Nandroids#mindy|fandroids of the same name]].|2020/0304/2107|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Mindynancy|[[Nancy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicNancyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Nandroid who appears in all of SterlingEmmy's UPA-styleclassmate infomercialwho presentationswatched andher Likelywith unrelateda tocrying the fandroids of the samebaby.<ref name.="baby"></ref>|2020/0405/0703|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Nancypatsy|[[Patsy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicPatsyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy's classmate whofrom watchedthe herclass dealwhere withthey alearned cryingabout babyacceptable lies to children... I think.<ref name="shirt"></ref>|2020/05/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Patsypatty|[[Patty]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicPattyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy's classmate from the shirt-folding class where they learned about acceptable lies to children...<ref I"shirt"></ref>|2020/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Pattysuzy|[[Suzy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicSuzyofficial.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate fromseen thedoing shirt-foldingballet classalongiside her and [[Polly]].<ref name="shirt"></ref>|2020/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|tiffany|[[Tiffany]]|[[File:Tiffanyofficial.jpg|60px]]|Nandroid seen listening to [[List of minor characters#John Sterling|Mr. Sterling]]'s speech on the day of Emmy's graduation from [[Nandroid School]].<ref>[ Dominic Cellini - ''Emmy the Robot'' chapter 12 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> Named here<ref>[ Anonymous on /co/, Post #129865127, 2022/04/09. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> after discovering she was a different Nandroid from [[#aubrey|Aubrey]].|2020/05/30|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Suzy|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPic.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate seen doing ballet alongiside her and Polly.|2020/03/31|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Tiffanytilly|[[Tilly_bg]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicTillyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Nandroid seenwho listeningappears toin Mr.a Sterling's speechTV oncommercial.<ref thename="comm"></ref> dayNot ofrelated Emmy'sto graduationthe from[[List Nandroidof NamedNandroids#tilly|space-faring herefandroid]] after discovering sheof was a different Nandroidthe fromsame Aubreyname.|2020/0503/3021|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|Tillyvicky|[[Vicky]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicVickyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|NandroidEmmy's whoclassmate appearsfrom inthe aclass Sterlingwhere TVthey commercial.learned Notabout relatedacceptable lies to thechildren.<ref spacefaringname="shirt"></ref> FandroidIn ofwwwJam's thestory, sameshe's namea Nandroid in love with her fellow Botler [[List of fan Nandroids#emmet|Emmet]].|2020/03/2131|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|wendy|[[VickyWendy Bishop]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPicWendyofficial.jpgpng|60px]]|Emmy's classmate, fromsat thein front of [[Franny]] in outmodes class.<ref>[ whereDominic theyCellini learned- about''Emmy acceptablethe liesRobot'' tochapter children10 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/12/19.]</ref> In wwwJamWendyAnon's story, she's is bought by a Nandroiddivorcee into lovehelp withhim herraise fellowhis botler- [[Emmet]]no, their - daughter.|2020/0305/3109|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|[[Wendy]]|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPic.jpg|60px]]|Emmy's classmate, sat in front of Franny in Outmodes class. In WendyAnon's story, she is bought by a divorcee to help him raise his - no, their - daughter.|2020/05/09 (DomCell)
2020/11/18 (WendyAnon)|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|NAME|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPic.jpg|60px]]|DESCRIPTION|YYYYMMDD|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
{{List of bg Nandroids row|NAME|[[File:NandroidPlaceholderPic.jpg|60px]]|DESCRIPTION|YYYYMMDD|FIRSTAPPEARANCE}}
[[Category: Canon]][[Category: Canon Characterscharacters]][[Category: Canon Nandroids]][[Category: Fanon]]
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