Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki:Creating a page/Pre-rewrite: Difference between revisions

From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
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==Page Creation==
===Determining the Page Name===
Before doing anything, if you intend to create a character page for a fan-created Nandroid (or "Fandroid"), please first go [[https://emmytherobot.wiki/wiki/Emmy_The_Robot_Fan_Wiki:Layout_guide/Fandroid_list|HERE]] and follow the instructions for adding a fandroid to the [[List of fan Nandroids]], and then return here.
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<strong>3:</strong> The "<strong>alternate version</strong>" page Name, such as "Wendy/WWU", whose URL (technically a subpage) displays as "<code>https://emmytherobot.wiki/wiki/Wendy/WWU</code>"
You must use the following rules to determine whether the page you are creating shall have a vanilla nameName, a differentiator nameName, or an alternate version nameName.
<strong>Differentiator Names</strong> are to be used in the event of a vanilla Name conflict between two or more pages about completely separate characters, locations, or other subjects. The vanilla Name is always fist given to whichever page concerns canon content, or if there if the conflict is between fanon pages, given to the older of the two conflicts. The remaining pages shall receive a "differentiator" Name, which shall be the vanilla Name with an identifying suffix tacked on. This suffix should, in order of preference, contain the name of the work the subject originates from, or the creator's name if there is no work, and be placed after an underscore and in parenthesis. For example, "Natalia" versus "Natalia_(Bulletz4Breakfeast)". Abbreviating longer story titles or creator names is not permitted for the Name used in the URL, but is acceptable when masking it to save visual space on a page at this time.
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After taking all of the above into consideration, you should now have the Name you shall use for the page you are creating. If the name has any spaces in it, replace them with underscores.
===Making the Page with the Determined Page Name===
<strong>Now we shall create the actual page.</strong> Navigate to the page you'd like to create using the format: <code>https://emmytherobot.wiki/wiki/NAME</code>, where NAME is the subject of the article you are going to write about (ie Emmy, Franny, Waverly, The_Mendenhalls). Spaces should be replaced with underscores (_). You may have to get creative if a page already exists under a certain name but isn't for the character you are wanting (ie Emmy is taken, but you could use Emmy_(MyStoryName)). Once you navigate to the page, if it is blank, you will get a message stating so and an option to 'create this page'. Click it.
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