Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki:Creating a page/Pre-rewrite

From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Revision as of 00:19, 25 August 2022 by JumboG (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This will be a large repository of information on how to go about creating a page for a character. If you think it looks unfun to read, imagine writing it. This is here for me to provide you the tools I didn't have. This will be concise and directed, MUCH more can be done, but this will get you started. It is intended as a crash course. ==Page Creation== To begin, navigate to the page you'd like to create using the format: <code>https://emmytherobot.miraheze.org/wiki/N...")
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This will be a large repository of information on how to go about creating a page for a character. If you think it looks unfun to read, imagine writing it. This is here for me to provide you the tools I didn't have. This will be concise and directed, MUCH more can be done, but this will get you started. It is intended as a crash course.

Page Creation

To begin, navigate to the page you'd like to create using the format: https://emmytherobot.miraheze.org/wiki/NAME, where NAME is the subject of the article you are going to write about (ie Emmy, Franny, Waverly, The_Mendenhalls). Remember, spaces should be replaced with underscores (_). Once you navigate to the page, if it is blank, you will get a message stating so and an option to 'create this page'. Click it.

Base Style Sheet

| nanname =
| nanimg =
| nancapt =
| created =
| creator =
| job =
| owned =
| employed =
| outmode =
| age =
| activated =
| align =
This is a base template page for a Nandroid.

===Subsection 1===
Character Summary

===Subsection 2===
More information!

Post info about other [[People]] or [[Nandroids]] here

==Further Reading==
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Stories about Nandroid
! Title !! Author || SFW/NSFW
| [https://emmytherobot.miraheze.org/ Shark Attack Encounter!] || Author || <p style="color: red">NSFW</p>
| [https://emmytherobot.miraheze.org/ Waverly's Day] || Author || <p style="color: blue">SFW</p>


Above is a good starting blank page. Copy the text and paste it into your new blank page. To keep it simple, it is using a default 'infobox' template, like Waverly's page, and so will look similar.

Creating Links

First thing to note, you can create links using the following syntax:

[https://www.google.com This is an external link!]

The above text would create the two following links:
This is an external link!


So the syntax is, external links are between a single set of brackets, with the full link first, then a space, then the text you would like to see.
Internal links (links to pages on this wiki) can be linked by putting the name of the page between two sets of brackets. Example: Waverly in brackets will redirect to https://emmytherobot.miraheze.org/wiki/Wavrely, without the need to have the full https link. If a page hasn't been created yet the link will appear red.

Infobox Information

The infobox is meant to give a quick overview of pertinent information. Fill out the information as follow:

| nanname = Nandroids Name
| nanimg = nandroid.png (More on this in a minute)
| nancapt = Caption for under the image
| created = Creation date
| creator = Creator(s)
| job = What is their job? Could just be Nandroid
| owned = Who owns the Nandroid? Example: The Delaires, John Sterling
| employed = Who does the Nandroid work for? If they don't have a personal owner, maybe they work for a company?
| outmode = Are they an outmode? Yes/No
| age = Age
| activated = Is there an activation date that is relevant knowledge?
| align = Alignment. Is it important to know who this character aligns with?

Not all the above information needs filled out. If you leave a space blank after the =, then it won't show up on the final page. Any alphanumeric information can be put into the above area. Take a look at a few pages to figure out the kind of 'style' that would help fit in the wiki.

Adding Pictures

Page Text

Now the real fun beings! Start filling out your Nandroids information! Writing a word in between a set of two equal signs (==WORD==) will make a new section, like 'Page Creation' and 'Base Style Sheet' above. Writing a word in between a set of three equal signs (===WORD===) will make a new sub-section, like 'Adding Pictures' and 'Page Text' above.

Additional Reading

This is a quick setup to creating a page but much, MUCH more can be done. Below are a few links to show the kind of text mark-up and coding that could be done to a page, if you were so inclined. You can control nearly anything: text size, color, alignment, images, special texts, etc.
Quick Formatting Help
ADVANCED Formatting Help