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===Early life===
Emmy was created by [[Sterling Robotics]] and prepared to become human care-certified at their [[Sterling USA headquarters|USA headquarters]] alongside other Nandroids. Boasting vast knowledge on a range of subjects such as advanced mathematics and multiple languages,<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/child-proof/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=16 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 4]</ref> Emmy and her classmates went through a rigorous education process at [[Nandroid School]], where they were taught socialization and proper etiquette for how to care for their future human owners.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/education/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=17 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 5]</ref> After completing her schooling, Emmy received her assignment to care for the [[Hawthorn Grove Families#The Delaire family|Delaire family]].<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/family-assignments-/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=25 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 13]</ref>
Emmy was then shipped to her new home, and, on a Christmas morning, [[Ted Delaire]] unveiled her to his wife [[Angela Delaire|Angela]] and his daughter [[Madeline Delaire|Madeline]], who warmy accepted the Nandroid.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/christmas-morning-/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=27 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 15]</ref>
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Emmy spent the next four years living with the Delaires in [[Notable Locations#Hawthorn Grove|Hawthorn Grove]].<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/daily-routine-part-1/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=28 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 16]</ref> During this time she formed a strong bond with Madeline, and enjoyed spending time with her friends [[Amy]], [[Franny]], [[Molly]], and [[Polly]] - four of her former Nandroid School classmates who were assigned to families living in the same neighborhood.<ref name="trolley_ride" />
One Saturday, Ted took Angela, Madeline and Emmy on a shopping trip to [[Notable Locations#Beacon City|Beacon City]].<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/city-trip/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=42 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 30]</ref> While in the city, Emmy prevented Madeline from receiving a piece of candy from a [[Minor Characters#Busker Bot|friendly-looking outmode]], exhibiting her bias towards outmoded robots.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/busker-bot/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=43 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 31]</ref> When Madeline later confronted Emmy about it, Emmy assured her charge that they will always be together, because Nandroids have superior engineering and are unable to become outmoded.<ref name="not_like_other_robots" />
===The birthday incident===
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===The aftermath===
Following the incident, Emmy's human care certification was revoked, and she was sent back to [[Sterling USA headquarters|Sterling headquarters]] to undergo testing in order to find and fix the cause of her malfunction.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/bot-docs/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=68 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 55]</ref> However, after the cause of the issue remained undiscovered for 11 days,<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/we-have-a-problem-part-1/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=73 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 60]</ref> Emmy snuck out of her assigned cell to eavesdrop on [[Ron Bennet|Dr. Bennet]] and [[Marcus Webb|Dr. Webb]] discussing her situation. After hearing Dr. Bennet mention Emmy potentially getting sent away for dismantling, and panicking due to her cell door locking shut behind her,<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/we-have-a-problem-part-2/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=74 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 61]</ref> Emmy hid in a trashcan to avoid being detected. However, before she could react, an oblivious [[janitor robot]] emptied the trashcan into a trash chute, unknowingly sending Emmy down the chute. Trapped inside a discarded refrigerator, Emmy was then transported across the [[Beacon Bay]] to a landfill in [[Notable Locations#Dupont|Dupont]],<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/a-hasty-exit/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=75 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 62]</ref> approximately 30 miles from her home.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/junked-part-2/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=85 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 71]</ref>
Laying unconscious in the landfill, Emmy was eventually awoken when her right arm was stolen by small scavenging robots known as [[Minor Characters#Nabs|Nab]]s. She attempted to chase after them, but accidentally slid down into a pile of trash and got knocked into shutdown mode again.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/lost-and-found/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=80 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 66]</ref>
Some time later Emmy was found by [[Darcy Boyle|Darcy]], who reactivated her and was able to find and attach a replacement arm to the Nandroid.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/junked-part-1/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=84 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 70]</ref><ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/junked-part-4/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=87''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 73]</ref> With no easy route to return home, Darcy took Emmy to a payphone. However, Emmy was reluctant to call either Sterling Robotics or her family, as she still had no human care certification and feared that returning to Sterling would result in her being dismantled. Darcy then suggested she come with her to her [[Ginny Hackle|Aunt Ginny]]'s [[Aunt Ginny's house|house]], and attached a bracelet device to Emmy.<ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/payphone-part-1/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=89 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 75]</ref><ref>[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/payphone-part-2/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=90 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Webtoon, chapter 76]</ref>
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