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* She carries a purse sometimes that she fills with snacks, hand sanitizer, hair ties, bobby pins, a rescue inhaler, tissues, baby aspirin, and other items.<ref>[https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiSMVEj-m6/| Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2020/09/25. Retrieved 2022/09/06.]</ref>
* She doesn't like summer blockbusters because they're too violent for her tastes.<ref>[https://www.patreon.com/posts/birthday-cards-41868193| Dominic Cellini on Patreon (in comments), 2020/09/21. Retrieved 2022/09/06.]</ref>
* Emmy didn't 'borrow' Angela's necklace in chapter 29, Angela did misplace it and Emmy did find, Emmy just wanted to have some fun first before returning it.<ref>[https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIQjT2Dl3e/ Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2021/02/10. Retrieved 2022/10/07.]</ref>
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