Cassy (breacher1)

From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Full name:
Serial number: ND4-2871[1]
Species: Robot
Manufacturer: Sterling Robotics
Type: Nandroid
Job: Maid, nanny
Owned by: The Jones family[1]
Employed by:
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2023/11/27[1]
Created by: breacher1

Cassy is a fanon Nandroid and supporting character in the story TS1-3992. She is from the year 2152 and serves the Jones family as the maid to George and Amanda Jones and nanny to their 10 year old child, Breanna. In her brief appearance in the story she sends out birthday invitations for a party for Breanna and plays with her with some nerf guns.[1]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Fan stories featuring Cassy (breacher1)
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
breacher1 TS1-3992 Cassy A military robot in the 2150s is repurposed, remade, and eventually scrapped, starting a cult of other homeless robots. ENG 2023/11/27 AO3 link

References[edit | edit source]