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| name = Wendy
| image = Wendyofficial.png
| caption =
| sn =
| fullname = Wendy Bishop<ref name="ch3">[https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018/chapters/72522408 WendyAnon - ''Wendy & Bishop'' Chapter 3. Retrieved September 8th 2022/09/08.]</ref>
| species = [[Robot]]
| type = [[Nandroid]]
| job = Maid, nanny
| owned = [[Mark Bishop]] <small>(fanon)</small>
| employed =
| manufacturer = [[Sterling Robotics]]
| age = severalSeveral months<ref group="note">As of Chapter 10 of ''[[Emmy the Robot (webcomic)|Emmy the Robot]]'', where Wendy makes her first and only canon appearance.</ref><br />~1 year<ref group="note">As of Chapter 11 of ''[[#wendyandbishop|Wendy & Bishop]]'', which takes place during the summer of Wendy's first year with the [[Bishop family|Bishops]].</ref>
| status = In service
| canon = PartiallyMostly canonfanon
| created = 2020/05/09<ref name="first_appearancefirst_appearance_webtoon">[https://www.patreonwebtoons.com/postsen/outmodeschallenge/emmy-p1the-robot/outmodes/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=22 Dominic Cellini -37157073 ''Emmy the Robot'' on Patreon, chapter 10 (parton 1),Webtoon. panelRetrieved 12023/03/11.]</ref>
| creator = Dominic Cellini <small>(design)</small><br />WendyAnon <small>(story)</small>
'''Wendy Bishop''', sometimesusually just known as '''Wendy Bishop''', is a fanon name given to a [[List of background Nandroids|background Nandroid]] who once sat in front of [[Franny]] in [[Nandroid School]] in the background of one panel of chapter 10<ref name="first_appearance_webtoon" />. She does not make any other appearances in the comic.
InHowever, in her primary fanon work ''Wendy & Bishop'', Wendy wasis boughtpurchased by divorcee [[Mark Bishop]] to assist with the care of his daughter [[Nora Bishop|Nora]] due to his increasing workload at the [[Newburgh Congress of Labor]]. She lives with them both in Mark's apartment. Over time, she and Mark have grown closer together, but they still are both still working to perfect their relationship. <!-- (I feel like this could be worded better, but I got nothing) -->
==Character summary==
Wendy is a bubbly, talkative Nandroid whose positive attitude can lift the spirits of both Mark and Nora. Her fascination with architecture<ref name="ch3" /> gifts her with an appreciation for the buildings in [[List of notable locations#Beacon City|Beacon City]] such as the town hall, Nora's school, and a mall.
Her favorite musician is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_King_Cole Nat King Cole], with "Day In Day Out" being her favorite song of his.
''Mark stuff to be added''
Wendy and Mark are in a complicated romantic relationship. Originally, Mark's feelings for Wendy grew out of loneliness for his ex-wife. The pair struggle to make a relationship work in a way that Wendy approves of.
<!-- Sentence moved from bio section: While skeptical of and even somewhat unsettled by his own purchase at first, Mark quickly grew accustomed to Wendy -->
Wendy and Nora have a very strong bond. Nora often refers to Wendy as "mom" despite still being in regular contact with her realbiological mother, and has given Wendy presents on Mother's Day. Nora also likes to tease Mark and Wendy about their relationship.
====Wendy's Nandroid friend====
While riding the Beacon City monorail, Wendy once met a [[Wendy's friend|talkative Nandroid]] from a much busier and more chaotic household than her own. This Nandroid subsequently acquired the Bishops' phone number, and often calls Wendy to chat about her problems. The two get lopsided enjoyment from their conversations, with Wendy appearing to have less attachment to her acquaintance than vice versa. Wendy never caught her name, and hesitates to ask it out of fear of appearing rude.
Line 37 ⟶ 41:
=== Early life ===
Wendy attended [[Nandroid School]] alongside [[Emmy]] and other Nandroids.<ref name="first_appearance_webtoon">[https:<//www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/emmy-the-robot/outmodes/viewer?title_no=402201&episode_no=22ref> ''Emmyand thegraduated Robot''with onthe Webtoon,same chapter 10, panel 1]</ref>class.
=== Meeting the Bishops ===
In fanon, afterAfter her graduation, Wendy was delivered to [[Mark Bishop]], an overworked divorcee in need of assistance with taking care of his pre-teen daughter [[Nora Bishop|Nora]]. After presenting Wendy to Nora as a Christmas gift, Mark took Wendy along as he drove to drop Nora off at her [[Eileen Tenenbaum|mother]]'s, and subsequently showed Wendy around [[List of notable locations#Beacon City|Beacon City]].
Despite his disparaging <!-- (couldn't think of a better word) --> outlook on [[robotRobot]]s, Mark quickly got accustomed to his new purchase, finding himself thinking of Wendy as a person. However, they both soon received poor and even hostile reactions from his peers due to his position as leader of the [[Newburgh Congress of Labor]], a union advocating for the protection and employment of human workers.<ref name="ch1">[https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018/chapters/72521916 WendyAnon - ''Wendy & Bishop'' Chapter 1. Retrieved 2023/03/11.]</ref>
=== Life with the Bishops ===
As she continuescontinued to serve Mark and Nora, Wendy findsfound herself growing closer to the two. However on multiple occasions she finds herselfwas thrust into somewhat dishonest situations borne of Mark's desperation to recreate the better parts of his past. The first prominent one occursoccurred when Mark offersoffered his ex-wife's wardrobe to her to wear. Initially reluctant due to the odd nature of the request, Wendy comescame to believe that Mark iswas elevating her to a more prominent member of his family than just a maid. However heHe revealsrevealed his real intentions when he asksasked her to part her hair a certain way, completingmaking theWendy look ofmore like his ex-wife Eileen. Wendy, notwho didn't realizingrealize his intentions, doesndidn't understand why he then becomesbecame distraught by this and triestried to comfort him aas best she can.<ref name="ch4">[https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018/chapters/72522534 WendyAnon - ''Wendy & Bishop'' Chapter 4. Retrieved 2023/03/11.]</ref>
<!-- To be rewritten in past tense! -->
As she continues to serve Mark and Nora, Wendy finds herself growing closer to the two. However on multiple occasions she finds herself thrust into somewhat dishonest situations borne of Mark's desperation to recreate the better parts of his past. The first prominent one occurs when Mark offers his ex-wife's wardrobe to her to wear. Initially reluctant due to the odd nature of the request, Wendy comes to believe that Mark is elevating her to more prominent member of his family than just a maid. However he reveals his real intentions when he asks her to part her hair a certain way, completing the look of his ex-wife Eileen. Wendy, not realizing his intentions, doesn't understand why he then becomes distraught by this and tries to comfort him a best she can.
''To be added''
===The checkup===
Eventually Wendy had a routine hardware diagnostic appointment with a Sterling technician. On her way to the appointment she met an overworked, talkative Nandroid, whose name she quickly forgot. Wendy found her company pleasant and the two stay in contact via phone calls.
''To be added''
After the two Nandroids arrived at the diagnostic center and went their respective ways for their appointments, Wendy met with her technician. She passed the hardware scan but the technician noticed a few quirks and pressed Wendy on her relationship with Mark, going as far as to ask crudely if the two were intimate. Wendy is taken aback by this and responds with an angry outburst, but ultimately passes the inspection and returns home.<ref name="ch6">[https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018/chapters/72523026 WendyAnon - ''Wendy & Bishop'' Chapter 6. Retrieved 2023/03/11.]</ref>
==Behind the scenes==
''To be added''
===The report===
A short while after Wendy's checkup, Mark received a letter from Sterling reporting on their findings. During dinner one evening, he read the letter and confronted Wendy, citing an "abnormal attraction to owner" from the report. Wendy feared what this would do to their relationship, but instead of being angry Mark embraces her and the two share a passionate kiss. Mark attempted to make a more serious move, but is rejected by Wendy, who told him that she didn't want this to happen "on his terms", as she didn't want to be seen as a replacement for his ex-wife. The exchange shocked Mark, who agreed with Wendy.<ref name="ch7">[https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018/chapters/72523782 WendyAnon - ''Wendy & Bishop'' Chapter 7. Retrieved 2023/03/11.]</ref>
* Wendy is noted to have a C60 cerebrum by a robot repairman. This, alongside Nat King Cole being being her favorite musician, is something she shares with her [[Wendy/WWU|alternate counterpart]] from ''[[#wendywakesup|Wendy Wakes Up]]''.
<gallery>Canonwendy.png|Wendy's only canon appearance, from chapter 10 of ''Emmy the Robot''.
''To be added''
Wendybal1.png|Wendy, wearing Mark's jacket, from Chapter 2 of ''Wendy & Bishop''.
Wendy6.png|Wendy in her maid uniform, and Nora.
Wendybal4.png|Wendy and her talkative friend. [[Noelle]] is also pictured.
Wendybal2.png|Wendy giving a Valentine gift.
Wendybal3.png|Wendy and Nora hugging.
Wendy7.png|A common Wendy pose.
Wendy's sole appearance in ''[[Emmy the Robot (webcomic)|Emmy the Robot]]'' occurs in the background of one panel in Chapter 10.<ref name="first_appearance" /><ref name="first_appearance_webtoon" />
She also appears in the following fan stories:
{{List of fan stories header}}
{{List of fan stories row|wendyandbishop|WendyAnon|Wendy and Bishop|[[Wendy Bishop]]|Overworked divorcee buys a Nandroid to help look after his pre-teen daughter.|ENG||[[File:Ao3.png|25px|link=https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true|AO3 link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220319175310/https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true|Wayback link]]{{Space}}[[File:Pastebin.png|25px|link=https://pastebin.com/u/WendyAnon|Pastebin link]]|SFW|}}
{{LiteratureRow|WendyAnon|Wendy & Bishop|https://archiveofourown.org/works/29517018?view_full_work{{=}}true}}
{{LiteratureRowList of fan stories row|wendysmothersday|WendyAnon|Wendy's Mother's Day|[[Wendy Bishop]]||ENG||[[File:Pastebin.png|25px|link=https://pastebin.com/d7mizTxj|Pastebin link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220302005901/https://pastebin.com/d7mizTxj|Wayback link]]|SFW|}}
{{List of fan stories row|wendygetsajob|Baldarek|Wendy Gets a Job|[[Wendy Bishop]]|Wendy gets a job at the gym. Inspired by [https://img.booru.org/nandroid//images/5/04c94523fab413fc51f4dcaa892aa307c38b08bf.jpg this drawing] by Rexhastala.|ENG|2022/04/16|[[File:Ao3.png|25px|link=https://archiveofourown.org/works/41036307|AO3 link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220815005559/https://archiveofourown.org/works/41036307%3Fview_adult%3Dtrue%26view_full_work%3Dtrue|Wayback link]]{{Space}}[[File:Pastebin.png|25px|link=https://pastebin.com/E8NqcSye|Pastebin link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220708105626/https://pastebin.com/E8NqcSye|Wayback link]]{{Space}}[[File:Www.png|25px|link=https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/130618253/#130630607|Other link]]|SFW|}}
{{LiteratureRow|Nandroidtales|Short Greens <small>("Wendy Meets Noelle", "Wendy Mother's Day")</small>|https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168131}}
{{List of fan stories row|wendyshorts|nandroidtales|Wendy Shorts|[[Wendy Bishop]]||ENG||[[File:Ao3.png|25px|link=https://archiveofourown.org/works/29763000|AO3 link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220301190410/https://archiveofourown.org/works/29763000?view_adult=true|Wayback link]]{{Space}}[[File:Pastebin.png|25px|link=https://pastebin.com/S23Y55Af|Pastebin link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220302003943/https://pastebin.com/S23Y55Af|Wayback link]]|NSFW|}}
{{LiteratureRow|Nandroidtales|Wendy Shorts|https://archiveofourown.org/works/29763000?view_full_work{{=}}true}}
{{List of fan stories row|shortgreens|nandroidtales|Short Greens<small>("Wendy Meets Noelle", "Wendy Mother's Day")</small>|[[Noelle]], [[Wendy Bishop]]|A large assortment of random stories.|ENG||[[File:Ao3.png|25px|link=https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168131?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true|AO3 link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220409231650/https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168131?hide_banner=true&view_adult=true&view_full_work=true|Wayback link]]{{Space}}[[File:Pastebin.png|25px|link=https://pastebin.com/UBHBxnQi|Pastebin link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220225162836/https://pastebin.com/UBHBxnQi|Wayback link]]|SFW|}}
{{LiteratureRow|Nandroidtales|Christmas Minis 2: Electric Boogaloo <small>(Chapter 2: 4 December)</small>|https://archiveofourown.org/works/35485543/chapters/88875001}}
{{List of fan stories row|christmas01|nandroidtales|Christmas Stuff|[[Emmy]], [[Franny]], [[Wendy Bishop]]|A long collection of holiday-themed greentexts & short stories featuring several canon and fan characters, ending with a 3-part parody of Jingle All the Way featuring Franny.|ENG|2020/12/01|[[File:Ao3.png|25px|link=https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168152?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true|AO3 link]]{{Space}}[[File:Wayback.png|25px|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20220301111522/https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168152?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true|Wayback link]]{{Space}}[[File:Pastebin.png|25px|link=https://pastebin.com/u/nandroidtales|Pastebin link]]|SFW|}}
{{LiteratureRow|OliviAnon|Wendy Wakes Up <small>([[Wendy/WWU|alternate universe version]])</small>|https://archiveofourown.org/works/37977625?view_full_work{{=}}true}}
{{LiteratureRow|Baldarek|Wendy Gets a Job|https://archiveofourown.org/works/41036307}}
==See also==
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<references />
[[Category: Canon]][[Category: Canon Characters]][[Category: Canon Nandroids]]
[[Category: Canon Nandroids with fanon names]]
[[Category: Fanon]][[Category: Fanon Characterscharacters]][[Category: Fanon Nandroids]][[Category: Momdroid]]
[[Category: Pages that contain both canon and fanon information]]

Latest revision as of 07:11, 6 June 2024

But if you were ... But I won't be.

This page contains spoilers for a character or story. Reader discretion is advised.

Full name: Wendy Bishop[1]
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Manufacturer: Sterling Robotics
Type: Nandroid
Job: Maid, nanny
Owned by: Mark Bishop
Employed by:
Age: Several months[note 1]
~1 year[note 2]
Status: In service
Canonicity: Mostly fanon
Created on: 2020/05/09[2]
Created by: Dominic Cellini (design)
WendyAnon (story)

Wendy Bishop, usually just known as Wendy, is a fanon name given to a background Nandroid who once sat in front of Franny in Nandroid School in the background of one panel of chapter 10[2]. She does not make any other appearances in the comic.

However, in her primary fanon work Wendy & Bishop, Wendy is purchased by divorcee Mark Bishop to assist with the care of his daughter Nora due to his increasing workload at the Newburgh Congress of Labor. She lives with them both in Mark's apartment. Over time, she and Mark have grown closer, but they still are working to perfect their relationship.

Character summary Edit

Personality Edit

Wendy is a bubbly, talkative Nandroid whose positive attitude can lift the spirits of both Mark and Nora. Her fascination with architecture[1] gifts her with an appreciation for the buildings in Beacon City such as the town hall, Nora's school, and a mall.

Her favorite musician is Nat King Cole, with "Day In Day Out" being her favorite song of his.

Relationships Edit

Mark Edit

Wendy and Mark are in a complicated romantic relationship. Originally, Mark's feelings for Wendy grew out of loneliness for his ex-wife. The pair struggle to make a relationship work in a way that Wendy approves of.

Nora Edit

Wendy and Nora have a very strong bond. Nora often refers to Wendy as "mom" despite still being in regular contact with her biological mother, and has given Wendy presents on Mother's Day. Nora also likes to tease Mark and Wendy about their relationship.

Wendy's Nandroid friend Edit

While riding the Beacon City monorail, Wendy once met a talkative Nandroid from a much busier and more chaotic household than her own. This Nandroid subsequently acquired the Bishops' phone number, and often calls Wendy to chat about her problems. The two get lopsided enjoyment from their conversations, with Wendy appearing to have less attachment to her acquaintance than vice versa. Wendy never caught her name, and hesitates to ask it out of fear of appearing rude.

While visiting a Sterling Robotics service center, Wendy briefly ran into an orange-haired Nandroid she vaguely remembered from Nandroid School. Unable to recall her name, Wendy failed to respond to her greeting, earning a frowned look from her.

Biography Edit

Early life Edit

Wendy attended Nandroid School alongside Emmy and other Nandroids[2] and graduated with the same class.

Meeting the Bishops Edit

After her graduation, Wendy was delivered to Mark Bishop, an overworked divorcee in need of assistance with taking care of his pre-teen daughter Nora. After presenting Wendy to Nora as a Christmas gift, Mark took Wendy along as he drove to drop Nora off at her mother's, and subsequently showed Wendy around Beacon City.

Despite his disparaging outlook on Robots, Mark quickly got accustomed to his new purchase, finding himself thinking of Wendy as a person. However, they both soon received poor and even hostile reactions from his peers due to his position as leader of the Newburgh Congress of Labor, a union advocating for the protection and employment of human workers.[3]

Life with the Bishops Edit

As she continued to serve Mark and Nora, Wendy found herself growing closer to the two. However on multiple occasions she was thrust into dishonest situations borne of Mark's desperation to recreate the better parts of his past. The first prominent one occurred when Mark offered his ex-wife's wardrobe to her to wear. Initially reluctant due to the odd nature of the request, Wendy came to believe that Mark was elevating her to a more prominent member of his family than just a maid. He revealed his real intentions when he asked her to part her hair a certain way, making Wendy look more like his ex-wife Eileen. Wendy, who didn't realize his intentions, didn't understand why he then became distraught by this and tried to comfort him as best she can.[4]

The checkup Edit

Eventually Wendy had a routine hardware diagnostic appointment with a Sterling technician. On her way to the appointment she met an overworked, talkative Nandroid, whose name she quickly forgot. Wendy found her company pleasant and the two stay in contact via phone calls.

After the two Nandroids arrived at the diagnostic center and went their respective ways for their appointments, Wendy met with her technician. She passed the hardware scan but the technician noticed a few quirks and pressed Wendy on her relationship with Mark, going as far as to ask crudely if the two were intimate. Wendy is taken aback by this and responds with an angry outburst, but ultimately passes the inspection and returns home.[5]

The report Edit

A short while after Wendy's checkup, Mark received a letter from Sterling reporting on their findings. During dinner one evening, he read the letter and confronted Wendy, citing an "abnormal attraction to owner" from the report. Wendy feared what this would do to their relationship, but instead of being angry Mark embraces her and the two share a passionate kiss. Mark attempted to make a more serious move, but is rejected by Wendy, who told him that she didn't want this to happen "on his terms", as she didn't want to be seen as a replacement for his ex-wife. The exchange shocked Mark, who agreed with Wendy.[6]

Trivia Edit

  • Wendy is noted to have a C60 cerebrum by a robot repairman. This, alongside Nat King Cole being being her favorite musician, is something she shares with her alternate counterpart from Wendy Wakes Up.

Gallery Edit

Appearances Edit

Wendy's sole appearance in Emmy the Robot occurs in the background of one panel in Chapter 10.[2]

She also appears in the following fan stories:

Fan stories featuring Wendy Bishop
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
WendyAnon Wendy and Bishop Wendy Bishop Overworked divorcee buys a Nandroid to help look after his pre-teen daughter. ENG          
WendyAnon Wendy's Mother's Day Wendy Bishop ENG      
Baldarek Wendy Gets a Job Wendy Bishop Wendy gets a job at the gym. Inspired by this drawing by Rexhastala. ENG 2022/04/16                  
nandroidtales Wendy Shorts Wendy Bishop ENG              
nandroidtales Short Greens("Wendy Meets Noelle", "Wendy Mother's Day") Noelle, Wendy Bishop A large assortment of random stories. ENG              
nandroidtales Christmas Stuff Emmy, Franny, Wendy Bishop A long collection of holiday-themed greentexts & short stories featuring several canon and fan characters, ending with a 3-part parody of Jingle All the Way featuring Franny. ENG 2020/12/01          

See also Edit


Notes Edit

  1. As of Chapter 10 of Emmy the Robot, where Wendy makes her first and only canon appearance.
  2. As of Chapter 11 of Wendy & Bishop, which takes place during the summer of Wendy's first year with the Bishops.

References Edit