
From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki

A robot is any artificially intelligent machine created by humans for the purpose of labor. While a robot can come in any shape or size,[1][2] most are designed to be humanoid and roughly human height.

Android Ethics Code[edit | edit source]

The Android Ethics Code is a set of codes designed to protect artificially intelligent beings from inhumane treatment. Few codes are actually known, but the codes do state that robots cannot be destroyed unless they are legally declared dangerous by having or being likely to harm a human, and that owners and manufacturers may be liable for malfunctions and resulting damages.[3] Robots aren't sold to individuals with a history of criminal activity or abuse.[4]

Outmodes[edit | edit source]

An outmode is a robot that can no longer perform their intended function or have become obsolete, broken (and not worth repairing), or become insubordinate in some way.[5][6] Outmodes that hurt people are scrapped and dismantled.[7]

Nandroids are taught to report outmodes to law enforcement or robot control officers.[8]

History[edit | edit source]

The Great Enlightenment[edit | edit source]

The Great Enlightenment refers to the period of time that saw large advancements in the field of robotics, specifically with the creation of the first artificial intelligence.

Prior to World War I, robots were crude and simple machines and were not self-aware. During and after the Great War, large advancements in the field of robotics was achieved. Because of a production boom throughout the war, General Robotics President Thomas Holt and others began working on artificial intelligence, machines that were capable of understanding commands and problem solving.

This eventually led German scientist Rudolph Lorenz to the creation of the first self-aware robot, nicknamed Electronica. Electronica was able to have limited conversations and understood basic logic, and lacked much mobility. Her creation marked the beginning of The Great Enlightenment.[9]

The Golden Age of Robotics[edit | edit source]

The Golden Age of Robotics refers to the period of time leading up to and during the World War II. An explosion of breakthroughs in robotic tech took place in this time as appliance and weapon manufacturers saw an opportunity to expand into the world of robotics. This is also the time that John Sterling founded Sterling Robotics.[10]

The Silver Age of Robotics[edit | edit source]

The Silver Age of Robotics refers to the period of time after World War II where robot rights were first being codified by businesses and governments.

During World War II and in the following years, an arms race between the East and West led to the development and spread of advanced new kinds of robots. Artificial intelligence had improved and robots were appearing more frequently in the lives of average people. Due to this, and the fact that many people had begun to grow attached to them, robot advocacy groups began appearing, who pushed for recognition of robots as autonomous beings.

One proponent of android rights was John Sterling, CEO and founder of Sterling Robotics. Him and other leaders in the technology space would eventually draft the Android Ethics Code, a set of codes designed to protect artificially intelligent beings from inhumane treatment. While imperfect, it began a precedent of robot rights and many countries adopted it.[11]

The Dark Age of Robotics[edit | edit source]

The Dark Age of Robotics refers to the period of time near the Vietnam war when anti-robot sentiment began breaking out amongst the public. After the passing of the Android Ethics Code, many became uncomfortable with the parallels of owning an unpaid robotic labor force as property, with slavery. Tension grew as robotic labor began taking many jobs of the working class, especially in Dupont, the center of American robot manufacturing. Riots broke out, and combined with coverage of robots used in the Vietnam War, led to a negative public perception of robots.[12]

The present day[edit | edit source]

In the present day, robots are a common and accepted form of labor, being seen in jobs from nannies, to trolley drivers,[13] and even government employees.[1] While they now have some limited rights, all robots are typically viewed as being beneath humans and animals.[14]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Robots are legally required to not cheat on 'I am not a robot' security tests.[15]

References[edit | edit source]