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From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Revision as of 22:06, 24 December 2022 by JumboG (talk | contribs)

{#seo:|keywords=Emmy the Robot, Emmy the Nandroid, Nandroids, Dominic Cellini, Emmy the Robot Fandom Wiki, Emmy the Robot Wiki, Nandroid Wiki}}

Welcome to The
The wiki for information pertaining to the webcomic Emmy The Robot created by Dominic Cellini, as well as it's many fan creations.
We currently have 135 pages made through 4,234 edits!

Canon material

Fanon material

Getting started

Featured nandroid

Emmy the Robot!

Emmy, officially designated 787-E881, is a Nandroid owned by the Delaire family. After passing her classes at Nandroid School with flying colors, she received her family assignment, got boxed up, and shipped out to Hawthorn Grove. There she lived with the Delaires for over four years, where she cared for Ted and Angela's daughter Madeline, and handled the daily chores and cooking.



2022/12/24 - Wiki launch! Expect large changes in the coming weeks!