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But if you were ... But I won't be.

This page contains spoilers for a character or story. Reader discretion is advised.

Full name:
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Manufacturer: Sterling Robotics
Type: Nandroid
Job: Maid
Owned by:
Employed by:
Age: Under one year
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2023/09/26[1]
Created by: JumboG

Rosey is a fanon Nandroid and the main character in the fan story A Nandroids Dream. She is a standard Nandroid who begins to develop feelings for her owner after they treat her as an equal instead of as their property. After realizing her own feelings Rosey goes through many changes and struggles regarding how she should act and feel.

Character summary[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Rosey is a proud, but unsure Nandroid. At the start of the story she takes pride in being able to serve her owner so diligently and receiving praise from both them and those around them, but as the story progresses she becomes more and more unsure of her actions and feelings, eventually leading to a little voice in her head who she admonishes at times and enthusiastically follows at others. Having unique clothing and sharing experiences with her owner helps her gain more confidence in her feelings and behaviors.

Plot summary[edit | edit source]

Chapter 1[edit | edit source]

Rosey, initially having a different, unspecified name, is assigned to a single adult in Nandroid school and while the prospect saddens her initially, she decides to try her best and provide for her new owner to the best of her abilities. After being delivered and meeting her new owner she is surprised at their laid back demeanor and initial attitude, being a stark contrast to the head of household leader she had been trained to care for. She is even given her own bedroom that she begins to decorate with small trinkets and accessories.

After several months of a care free life excelling at being a nanny, Rosey has a unique dream in which her owner holds her hand and kisses her goodbye as they leave for work. Startled awake by the kiss she begins to panic, initially thinking that something is wrong with her internal systems. After she prepares dinner and her owner arrives home, she is too nervous and smitten with their presence to act normally and retreats back to her room where she decides she must ask them for a trip to Sterling to get the issue checked out. After she makes her request her owner prods, learning that the issue is just a dream, they question if a trip to Sterling is really warranted, instead suggesting a day off with them in the morning, to which Rosey readily agrees.[2]

Chapter 2[edit | edit source]

Rosey's nerves get the better of her as she awaits for the morning and she absentmindedly leaves the water running as she daydreams about her owner again. They find her and make the suggestion that they can do the dishes tonight which causes her to again panic and shout, begging them to let her complete her job. She is able to finish the dishes and goes to her room, again thinking of her owner and waiting for morning to come and her day off to begin.

Once morning arrives she and her owner head outside to her owner's car to decide where she'd like to go. As her owner tries to come up with places a Nandroid might like, the two begin laughing, with Rosey finding more strange behavior as she cannot stop. To avoid any scrutiny from her owner she power cycles and is able to return to normal. Her owner ultimately decides on a trip to a pier carnival in Maquina Beach, to which Rosey agrees.[3]

Chapter 3[edit | edit source]

Rosey's day off begins and after arriving in Maquina Beach the pair stop for food for her owner and go on a shopping spree for Rosey as her owner learns that Rosey wears her maid uniform everyday as she doesn't have any other clothes. The two eventually find a souvenir store ran by a loud, fast talking salesman robot named Rip who sells them a new outfit for Rosey and a few other items. As the day rolls on Rosey's owner takes her to a nearby park and the two go through an arboretum, which Rosey loves.

With dusk setting the pair finally go to the carnival at the pier, watching the sun set on the beach together. They then head to the carnival and play a few games, with the final game helping Rosey to realize why she has been having malfunctions and errors when near her owner: she has fallen in love. She panics again and asks to leave, and as it's late her owner agrees.[4]

Chapter 4[edit | edit source]

Over the next day Rosey struggles coming to terms with her new understanding of her feelings and attempts to take her mind off of it by entertaining herself. Keeping a promise from the day before, she tries relaxing and taking breaks by watching TV, which she doesn't much care for, and then trying origami from a book that was purchased at Rip's store the previous day. Initially unsure, she soon finds it fun to make flowers and makes a bouquet that she then presents to her owner when they arrive home from work. Happy that Rosey has a new hobby they ask her to fold them something which she excitedly does.

The day ends with her owner asking if Rosey would like to watch TV with them, which she agrees to. As they watch TV she takes the opportunity to lean on her owner, who wraps their arm around her.[5]

Chapter 5[edit | edit source]

Rosey continues trying new things, making more origami and taking a walk along a nature trail near her home. When she gets home she concocts an evil plan and hides some of her owner's work papers from them, knowing that they'll call her to save the day by finding and bringing them to their job, meaning she'll get to spend even more time with them.

The plan works and the next day she gets a call from her owner after they've left for work, asking her to find and bring the papers, which she does. After she receives praise for her help and on her way out she meets the secretary for the floor her owner works on, but takes a dislike to the upbeat extrovert. As she leaves she "accidentally" spills a drink on their desk, but feels guilty quickly after.[6]

Chapter 6[edit | edit source]

As time goes on she becomes more and more bold with her plans, always trying to find new ways to allow her to spend time with her owner during the day, culminating in her sneaking into their room one night to watch them sleep. They are awoken during this and she gives them a hastily thought up reason for her behavior, she was there to tell them the stove was broken. After she bids them good night she heads to the kitchen to think of a way out of her lie, deciding she just needs to cause some small cosmetic damage to the stove. An unfortunate accident occurs and the front of the glass stove is shattered, waking her owner, who yells at her to stop messing with things and go to bed. They storm off to go back to sleep leaving Rosey alone in the kitchen.

She spends the remainder of the night feeling horrible for what she has done and tries to act like a good robot should the next day. Her owner and her go shopping for groceries and then take a walk on the nature trail that Rosey had been on prior, where her owner apologizes for their outburst and attempts to make Rosey feel better for what's happened.

The two then go to looking for a replacement stove, stopping by several stores but not finding anything adequate. The chapter ends with Rosey's owner buying her some shaved ice (with no flavoring) as a treat, the first time she's ever "eaten".[7]

Chapter 7[edit | edit source]

Rosey's new look!

Rosey tries to find a stove on her own, looking at some nearby garage sales but has no luck. She remembers Rip from Maquina Beach and gives him a call, hoping he can help source the correct part, which luckily he is able to. As they make plans for the delivery she also inquires about a new wig for herself.

A few days later Rip arrives and the stove is repaired, good as new, and Rosey is given a brand new wig by Rip, who is able to read the situation between her and her owner. Rip gives Rosey the wig for free, telling her that all he wants in return is that she will tell her owner how she really feels about them.

When Rosey's owner arrives that night they are surprised but delighted by her new look. Her owner calls Rip to pay for the repair and is told that he'll take some additional money off if Rosey's owner takes her out somewhere fun that night, to which they agree. Before they leave, Rosey asks that along with her new clothes and new hair, her owner use her new name, Rosey, which she chose for her love for the flower.[1]

Chapter 8[edit | edit source]

Rosey skating.

For the night out Rosey's owner decides to take her bowling and the two have a wonderful time playing two rounds. After bowling her owner treats themselves to a steakhouse, providing Rosey with water to drink as they enjoy their meal. On the way home her owner notices a skating rink and the two go ice skating, Rosey being more talented at it than her owner and slightly teasing them about it.

Rosey and her owner return home and Rosey remembers her promise to Rip and attempts to tell her owner how she feels. She locks up and is unable to, instead opting for a quick kiss on the cheek. Her owner doesn't react and when she tries to give another they push her away. Rosey panics and chases after her owner who leaves the house without saying anything, leaving her alone and scared. All throughout the night she waits for them and paces around the house, but they don't return. When she calls their job multiple times the next morning they aren't at work and she begins to worry what she might have caused. Due to her nerves and heightened energy draw, Rosey hasn't noticed her low battery which slowly drops to 0, causing her to lose consciousness.[8]

Chapter 9[edit | edit source]

Rosey angry.

Rosey awakens in her room, having been plugged in by her owner who is now asleep next to her. She remembers everything that's happened and feels guilt for how they look. Her owner wakes up and the two talk, her owner very delicately declining Rosey's advance but letting her know that she didn't do anything wrong.

Rosey is devastated, having thought she was being treated special for a reason this entire time. They get some sleep and the next evening her owner asks if she'd like to join them for dinner, where they continue discussing their situation. As Rosey prods further she gets confusing or nonsensical answers from her owner about their feelings on her and a fight breaks out, eventually leading Rosey to yell at her owner asking them to be honest about how they feel. This causes them grab Rosey and give her a kiss, confusing her even more.

The fight broken, her owner goes into more detail about their feelings, how they are confused and don't think they should love a robot or if Rosey can even feel love. Rosey assures them that she can and after making a few promises trying to assuage their fears, she attempts to get them to tell her that they love her, but the confession is interrupted by a knock at the door. Rosey's excuses herself to go see who it is, only to find the secretary from her owner's job.[9]

Chapter 10[edit | edit source]

Rosey's dream coming true.

Rosey attempts to send the intruder away but they are persistent and gain entry to the house, having brought alcohol to help Rosey's owner unwind after a stressful day. Rosey's owner entertains their guest and after a heated exchange where Rosey prepares to send the secretary home, Rosey's owner intervenes and asks Rosey to give them some time.

Rosey relents and goes to her room, but sneaks out to eavesdrop on the conversation, where she hears her owner defend her and talk highly of her. Content with what she's heard Rosey returns to her room and waits. The secretary leaves after a short while, unhappy. Rosey's owner comes back and the two continue their talk with Rosey finally learning and accepting that her and her owner are equals and she has to be as good to them as they've been to her. The two share another kiss as Rosey finally decides that there will be no more fighting or lying as she can finally be honest with herself and her new love.[10]

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

Rosey's story was written to be a one-shot about an unnamed Nandroid who developed a crush on her unnamed, ungendered owner, as anyone could own a Nandroid. After what would later become chapter one was released, more and more ideas were thought up about how the story might continue, and so the full story was born.

Initially the "unnamed" characters were going to be kept but as the story grew, having the Nandroid have a name made more sense and was easier to read. Since the owner was meant to have an ambiguous gender their name and description was kept unmentioned.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Rosey visits Maquina Beach with her owner, and Rip mentions knowing two other Nandroids, who are Celly and Waverly, though Rosey never meets them.
  • Rosey's original name, as well as her owner's name and gender, are never specified.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

For more pictures and fan art, see the gallery of images on Nanbooru.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Fan stories featuring Rosey
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
JumboG A Nandroids Dream Rosey A Nandroid discovers a strange problem with her memories. ENG 2022/08/19 AO3 link   Wayback link
Long form, Romance

References[edit | edit source]