Betsy (Snelly ESQ)

From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Full name: Anon Ymous
Serial number:
Species: Robot
Make: Sterling Robotics
Model: Nandroid
Owned by: Sterling Robotics
Employed by:
Canonicity: Fanon
Created on: 2024/01/23[1]
Created by: Snelly_ESQ

Betsy, also known as Bets, is a fanon Nandroid and a supporting character in the fan story Ted Delaire Sells a Dream. Betsy works as the concierge on the same floor as Ted Delaire in Sterling Tower. As he is trying to brainstorm ideas for how to sell bridal supplies to Nandroids he asks for her opinion.[1]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Fan stories featuring Betsy (Snelly ESQ)
Author Title Characters Synopsis Lang Date Links Rating Tags
Snelly_ESQ Ted Delaire Sells a Dream Angela Delaire, Ted Delaire, Emmy, Molly, Polly, John Sterling, Greta, Betsy Ted and the advertising team are faced with a quandary - selling wedding dresses and bridal supplies to androids, and more importantly, pitching that campaign to John Sterling. ENG 2023/01/23 AO3 link
Short story, Nandromeda

References[edit | edit source]