Full name: Anon Ymous
Serial number: 787-E881[1]
Species: Robot
Type: Nandroid
Job: Maid, nanny
Owned by: The Delaire family
Employed by:
Age: ~5 years[2]
Status: Outmode
Canonicity: Canon
Created on: 2019/05/27[3]
Created by: Dominic Cellini

Emmy, officially designated 787-E881,[1] is a Nandroid owned by the Delaire family. She lived with them in their house in Hawthorn Grove for over four years, where she cared for Ted and Angela's daughter, Madeline, and did the daily chores and cooking.

After experiencing a malfunction during Madeline's 8th birthday, Emmy was sent to Sterling Robotics headquarters for diagnostics and repairs, and accidentally wound up being thrown away and transported to a landfill in Dupont. After losing her arm to a group of scavenging Nabs, she was eventually discovered by Darcy Boyle, who gave Emmy a new arm and offered her shelter at Aunt Ginny's house alongside other outmodes.

Character summary


Emmy is optimistic, light-hearted and cheerful, and often exceeds expectations of her.

She is the only Nandroid known to play pretend in her spare time, borrowing Angela's jewelry to wear and using Madeline's toys as impromptu party guests.[4]

Emmy is known for making excellent desserts[5] and famous macarons[6] that everyone loves.


Emmy has four friends from Nandroid School that live in the same suburb of Hawthorn Grove as her: Amy, Franny, Molly, and Polly. She rides with them daily on the trolley as they take their respective children to school.[7] Emmy enjoys gossiping about recent events with her friends[8] and frequently meets with them for play dates for the children.

Emmy and Franny seem to be the closest of the group as they have each confided fears and doubts to the other and looked for advice.[9][10]

Madeline and Emmy have a very close relationship.[11] After Emmy is separated from the Delaires, Madeline is seen constantly asking when Emmy will come home,[12] and even makes her a get-well-soon card.[13]


Early life

Emmy was created by Sterling Robotics and prepared to become human care-certified at their USA headquarters alongside other Nandroids. Boasting vast knowledge on a range of subjects such as advanced mathematics and multiple languages,[14] Emmy and her classmates went through a rigorous education process at Nandroid School, where they were taught socialization and proper etiquette for how to care for their future human owners.[15] After completing her schooling, Emmy received her assignment to care for the Delaire family.[16]

Emmy was then shipped to her new home, and, on a Christmas morning, Ted Delaire unveiled her to his wife Angela and his daughter Madeline, who warmy accepted the Nandroid.[17]

Serving the Delaires

Emmy spent the next four years living with the Delaires in Hawthorn Grove.[18] During this time she formed a strong bond with Madeline, and enjoyed spending time with her friends Amy, Franny, Molly, and Polly - four of her former Nandroid School classmates who were assigned to families living in the same neighborhood.[7]

One Saturday, Ted took Angela, Madeline and Emmy on a shopping trip to Beacon City.[19] While in the city, Emmy prevented Madeline from receiving a piece of candy from a friendly-looking outmode, exhibiting her bias towards outmoded robots.[20] When Madeline later confronted Emmy about it, Emmy assured her charge that they would always be together, because Nandroids have superior engineering and are unable to become outmoded.[11]

The birthday incident

At some point shortly prior to Madeline's 8th birthday, Emmy received a new software update via mail.[1] Following this, she began experiencing malfunctions with her hand, which resulted in various delays and mishaps during Emmy's preparations for Madeline's birthday party and the subsequent party itself.[21][22]

The issue ultimately culminated into Emmy losing consciousness and involuntarily destroying Madeline's birthday cake, with her arm spraying the cake with fire extinguishing foam seemingly on its own accord in response to perceiving the candles on the cake as a fire threat. Ted attempted to stop Emmy, but was sprayed as well.[23] When Emmy regained her senses, her Nandroid friends led her away and attempted to console her. However, overwhelmed with shame, she locked herself in a bathroom.[24]

The aftermath

Following the incident, Emmy's human care certification was revoked and she was sent back to Sterling headquarters to undergo testing in order to find and fix the cause of her malfunction.[25] However, after the cause of the issue remained undiscovered for 11 days,[26] Emmy snuck out of her assigned room to eavesdrop on Dr. Bennet and Dr. Webb discussing her situation. After she overheard Dr. Bennet mention Emmy potentially getting sent away to be dismantled, and panicking due to her room door locking shut behind her,[27] Emmy hid in a trashcan to avoid being detected. However, before she could react, an oblivious janitor robot emptied the trashcan into a trash chute, unknowingly sending Emmy down the chute as well. Trapped inside a discarded refrigerator, Emmy was then transported across the Beacon Bay to a landfill in Dupont,[28] approximately 30 miles from her home.[29]


Laying unconscious in the landfill, Emmy was eventually awoken when her right arm was stolen by small scavenging robots known as Nabs. She attempted to chase after them, but tripped and slid down into a pile of trash and was knocked into shutdown mode again.[30]

Some time later Emmy was found by Darcy, who reactivated her and was able to find and attach a replacement arm to the Nandroid.[31][32] With no easy route to return home, Darcy took Emmy to a payphone. Emmy was reluctant to call either Sterling Robotics or her family, however, as she still had no human care certification and feared that returning to Sterling would result in her being dismantled. Darcy then suggested she come with her to her Aunt Ginny's house, and attached a bracelet device to Emmy.[33][34]

Upon arriving at Aunt Ginny's, Emmy was introduced to a group of outmodes living there, and attempted to explain her predicament to them. They found her story to be nonsensical and even humorous, believing her to be in denial about being purposefully discarded by her owners, much to Emmy's disappointment and anger.[35][36][37][38] Emmy then met Aunt Ginny herself, and witnessed her talk to the painting of her father on the wall while repeatedly misnaming Emmy.[39][40][41] After another bout of being laughed at by the outmodes for her insistence that her family is missing her, Emmy ran away into the night, much to Darcy's dismay.[42]

Behind the scenes

Emmy is the protagonist and namesake of Dominic Cellini's webcomic Emmy the Robot. Cellini first shared a picture of Emmy in May 2019 on his Instagram account.[3] Over the next year he posted various unconnected drawings and comic strips featuring Emmy on his social media, until eventually he officially launched Emmy the Robot as a webcomic on Patreon in March 2020[43] and on Webtoon in April 2020.[44] Many of the previous comic strips were adapted into chapters of the webcomic. Different concept art hairstyles for Emmy were later repurposed for the other Nandroids.[45]


  • In a Patreon exclusive strip, Emmy was revealed to secretly enjoy eating decorative soaps.[46] This spawned a joke in the fandom which posits that Emmy, and even Nandroids in general, are addicted to consuming soap.
  • Dominic has stated that Emmy's hair was "the product of a lot of fuss for me".[47]
  • Emmy's room in the Delaire's home is actually a closet.[48]
  • In her closet she has multiple pictures, including one of the Delaire family as well as one of her and Madeline.[49]
  • She enjoys making Italian food (because of the extra clean-up) and baking.[50]
  • She loves Mary Poppins and one of her favorite movies is The Sound of Music.[51]
  • She carries a purse sometimes that she fills with snacks, hand sanitizer, hair ties, bobby pins, a rescue inhaler, tissues, baby aspirin, and other items.[52]
  • She doesn't like summer blockbusters because they're too violent for her tastes.[53]
  • Emmy didn't 'borrow' Angela's necklace in chapter 29, Angela did misplace it and Emmy did find, Emmy just wanted to have some fun first before returning it.[54]


Official webcomic



As its main character, Emmy appears in almost every chapter of Emmy the Robot.

She also appears in the following fan stories:

Fan stories featuring Emmy
Author Title Link(s) Rating
SometimesCreativeAnon Emmy Old Battery https://pastebin.com/bt0HCnu9
Stress-Test-Anon Emmy snips https://pastebin.com/0jxqktjY
WendyAnon Emmy Shorts https://archiveofourown.org/works/35642887?view_full_work=true
Nandroidtales A Cherry Street Christmas https://archiveofourown.org/works/28167360
Nandroidtales Emmy and Anon Buy a Tree https://archiveofourown.org/works/28167552
Nandroidtales Emmy and Anon Decorate the Tree https://archiveofourown.org/works/28167585
Nandroidtales Emmy Buys a Present https://archiveofourown.org/works/28167624
Nandroidtales Emmy at the Beach https://archiveofourown.org/works/28167684
Nandroidtales Short Greens ("Offices and Mid-Level Executives", "Emmy Sees Warbots", "Emmy and Madeline adventure", "Emmy Driver's Ed", "Madeline Meeting Darcy", "Madeline and Emmy: Egypt", "Amelia: Gym Class") https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168131
Nandroidtales Short Lewd Greens ("Dumptruck Molly") https://archiveofourown.org/works/29472168
Nandroidtales Christmas Minis https://archiveofourown.org/works/28168152
Nandroidtales Christmas Minis 2: Electric Boogaloo (Chapter 3: 11 December) https://archiveofourown.org/works/35485543/chapters/88890787
RustyHorns Emmy Takes an Impromptu Diving Lesson https://pastebin.com/yuneX24m
Hun_Anon Nanpocalypse https://pastebin.com/AnbZyyyL (Part 1: Ruins Without Meaning)
https://pastebin.com/EcxQqRMa (Part 2: Fallen Heaven)
Anonymous Emmy's Fancy Dinner https://pastebin.com/HYBL0Yia
Paper_Sunflower_Lane Runaways https://archiveofourown.org/works/25664566?view_full_work=true


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 34 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  2. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 59 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2019/05/27. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  4. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 29 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  5. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 26 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  6. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 37 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 18 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  8. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 19 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  9. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 14 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  10. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 46 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 32 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  12. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot bonus chapter Waiting Game on Patreon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  13. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 88 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  14. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 4 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  15. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 5 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  16. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 13 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  17. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 15 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  18. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 16 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  19. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 30 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  20. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 31 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  21. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 40 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  22. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 48 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  23. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 51 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  24. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 52 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  25. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 55 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  26. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 60 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  27. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 61 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  28. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 62 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  29. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 71 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  30. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 66 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  31. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 70 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  32. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 73 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  33. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 75 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  34. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 76 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  35. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 78 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  36. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 80 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  37. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 81 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  38. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 82 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  39. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 84 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  40. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 85 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  41. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 86 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  42. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 87 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  43. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 1 on Patreon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  44. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot chapter 1 on Webtoon. Retrieved 2022/10/02.
  45. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot bonus chapter Early Emmy Concepts on Patreon. Retrieved 2022/10/02.
  46. Dominic Cellini - Emmy the Robot bonus chapter Decorative Soaps on Patreon. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  47. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2019/07/09. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  48. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2019/09/17. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  49. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2021/04/15. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  50. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2020/03/24. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  51. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2020/06/25. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  52. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2020/09/25. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  53. Dominic Cellini on Patreon (in comments), 2020/09/21. Retrieved 2022/09/06.
  54. Dominic Cellini on Instagram (in comments), 2021/02/10. Retrieved 2022/10/07.
  55. Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2018/10/21. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  56. Dominic Cellini on Instagram, 2019/08/03. Retrieved 2022/09/30.
  57. Post #109601487 on /co/ (archived)