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From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Revision as of 02:40, 24 December 2022 by OliviAnon (talk | contribs)
Welcome to The
The wiki for information pertaining to the webcomic Emmy The Robot created by Dominic Cellini, as well as it's many fan creations.
We currently have 133 pages made through 4,217 edits!

Canon material

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Getting started

Featured nandroid

Emmy the Robot!

Emmy, officially designated 787-E881, is a Nandroid owned by the Delaire family. She lived with them in their house in Hawthorn Grove for over four years, where she cared for Ted and Angela's daughter, Madeline, and did the daily chores and cooking.

After experiencing a malfunction during Madeline's 8th birthday, Emmy was sent to Sterling Robotics headquarters for diagnostics and repairs, and accidentally wound up being thrown away and transported to a landfill in Dupont. After losing her arm to a group of scavenging Nabs, she was eventually discovered by Darcy Boyle, who gave Emmy a new arm and offered her shelter at Aunt Ginny's house alongside other outmodes.


2022/12/24 - Wiki launch! Expect large changes in the coming weeks!