Main Page

From Emmy The Robot Fandom Wiki
Revision as of 06:47, 24 November 2023 by JumboG (talk | contribs) (Page update to include announcements change)

Welcome to The
The wiki for information pertaining to the webcomic Emmy The Robot created by Dominic Cellini, as well as it's many fan creations.
We currently have 135 pages made through 4,234 edits!

Canon material

Fanon material

Getting started

Featured Nandroid

Astrid is a fanon robot, presumed to be a Nandroid, who works in a research complex studying "The Shell", an anomalous cave structure two kilometers under the ice at the south pole. The robots stationed there, including a male robot Bjorn, doctor's assistant Petra, and male robot Percy, perform domestic duties or assist the research staff. Read More...


2024/07/05 - A page has been created for Diana!
2024/07/03 - A page has been created for Darly!
2024/06/21 - A page has been created for Lizzy!
2024/06/20 - A page has been created for Larimar!
2024/06/06 - A page has been created and completed for Daisy, Daisy_(Piggommi), and Dandy!
2024/06/01 - Pages have been created and completed for the Nandroids from Nandroid One-shots!